We’re super-happy to be invited to play at the 40 celebration of Oslo’s oldest squat BLITZ!
Not sure yet what day we’re actually playing (april 27, 28 or 30), but we’ll be there, and we’ll definitely play some punkrock.
Lineup so far:
Bare Egil
Anti Social Rejects
Barn av Regnbuen
Lucky Malice
Klipsy Panda
Zle Oko
Assistert Selvmord
Knuste Ruter
Melting Brain Club
Los Helvetes
Celebrating the Velouria Scratch release!
DANGER!MAN sadly have to pull out of this gig. So sorry!
Harald Punk and Velouria Scratch will play.
Teaming up with our friends from WONK UNIT (uk) for an excellent friday night in Frankfurt @ AU (one of the oldest squats in germany!)
Always supernice to be back in the AU, and can’t wait to see WONK UNIT again!
Very happy to have been invited to open this all-dayer at the legendary Star 6 Garter in Manchester. We’re playing first, so if you’re into catching our set… be there early!
Resistance 77 (UK
Dedo Podre (Brazil)
Subalternos (Brazil)
Filhos De Inacio (Brazil)
Wolf Bites Boy (UK)
Our friends from the band Spirit Bomb have invited us to play at their annual happening BOMBFEST in Birmingham. This is going to a hell of a lot of fun! Great lineup with bands from Brazil, USA, UK, Japan and Norway.
Lineup (in random order)
Spirit Bomb (UK)
Decent Criminal (USA)
Punik (Japan)
Dedo Podre (Brazil)
Revolt-Chix (USA)
Subalternos (Brazil)
Pacto Asocial (Brazil)
Crimetime (USA)
Bad Ass (USA)
Filhos De Inacio (Brazil)
The Butters Aliens (UK)
3rd attempt… backstabbed by covid 2 years in a row. This year it looks like we’re finally going to make it!
We play on the RIS Stage (Rebellion Introducing Stage for new and promising bands… not bad for a bunch of old farts like ourselves ha ha…)
We’re booked to play on the sunday, so I guess we’ll have a hangover-competition with the audience 🙂
…but we promise to do our best to blow the roof off!