DANGER!MAN is a Punk/Hardcore – band from Oslo, Norway.

DANGER!MAN started in 2009, but all members have a long history of playing with norwegian bands in the 80’s and 90’s. (So Much Hate, Life… But How To Live It?, Bannlyst, Barn Av Regnbuen, Drunk, 2:20, Bøyen Beng,… etc etc)

DANGER!MAN’s music finds their roots in 80’s hardcore, but they also take good care of the early punkrock heritage. Whenever DANGER!MAN play live, it’s bottoms up, full speed ahead, and it ends up in a great party for everyone 😀

DANGER!MAN have released 4 albums so far.

  • “The Blame Game” – 2010 (Sjakkmatt Plater / Boss Tuneage) available on CD. LP is sold out.
  • “Kaos Conspiracy” – 2012 (Sjakkmatt Plater / Rookie Records) LP and CD are sold out. This is a split LP with The Bone Idles from Karlsruhe, Germany.
  • “Handicap” – 2016 (Sjakkmatt Plater / Boss Tuneage / Tonehjulet Kräftpest) available on LP with free CD. This is a split LP with Lucky Malice from Halden, Norway.
  • “Weapons of mass-distraction” – 2019 (Boss Tuneage / Sjakkmatt Plater / Kong Tiki Records / King Kongsvik – Dis-æsters våjs)

All these records can be downloaded for free from from the releases and music sections on this page 🙂

DANGER!MAN is a live-band! Playing live is their reason to still play in bands after 30+ years of punkrock!

DANGER!MAN enjoy their beer! If you’d like to have a beer with DANGER!MAN… Come down to the gig and do so!

DANGER!MAN have a page on FaceBook, if you’re into that 😉

Contact DANGER!MAN at contact [ @ ] dangerman.no